We help educators improve their well-being.
We believe that attending to the well-being of educators is a prerequisite to achieving the results with students each of us desires. Through our program, participants learn concrete, evidence-based strategies to help them avoid and manage most common pitfalls of the educator experience: overwhelm, personal neglect, adult conflict, unexpected challenges, and isolation.
Since our founding at Harvard University in 2018, we've supported schools, districts, unions, and county offices across the world to incorporate well-being supports into their programmatic offerings. Participants reported statistically significant declines in burnout, depression, and anxiety alongside increases in resilience and subjective well-being.
How does it work?

Participants engage in the sessions synchronously, discussing and reflecting on what they're learning with a small group of 3-4 other colleagues
Between sessions, participants apply research-based strategies demonstrated to increase well-being
Our Offerings

Custom Professional Learning Program
Research-based professional development customized to your context.

Our partners gain access to research-based professional development customized to their needs. We collaborate with our partners to integrate learning experiences into preexisting programmatic structures.

Together with our partners, we craft a customized well-being survey that is administered at baseline and at the end of the program. On the basis of the results, our research team runs statistical analyses and produces a synthesis report that includes clear, actionable next steps to improve employee well-being.
Want to bring Educators Thriving to your district?
Who is it for?
Our program is created for those who are on the front lines of this work: teachers and administrators.
Participants are people who are eager to learn about and apply research-based strategies to increase well-being.

Research and Results
Beyond Burnout:
A Roadmap to Improve Educator Well-Being
Get your copy now of this essential report by the American Federation for Teachers and Educators Thriving.
What Our Participants Are Saying
reported that the program made teaching feel more sustainable
reported the program helped to improve their well-being
say the program made them more likely to stay in the teaching profession